当前版本为 2.26.1 , 最新在线版本请浏览这里 http://library.gnome.org/devel/glib/unstable/.

发布日期: 2011年03月29日










项目主页: http://gtk-doc-cn.googlecode.com

Bug报告: http://code.google.com/p/gtk-doc-cn/issues/entry

本文档由GADT(Gnome API Document Translation)团队翻译, 依照GNU自由文档许可证 (GFDL)公开发行

编译GLib包 — 如何自行编译GLib
交叉编译GLib软件包 — 如何交叉编译GLib
编译GLib应用程序 — 如何编译GLib应用程序
运行GLib应用程序 — 如何运行和调试GLib应用程序
GLib 的更改 — 和先前版本的 GLib 之间不兼容的更改
正则表达式语法 — GRegex支持的正则表达式语法及语义
邮件列表和Bug报告 — 得到关于GLib的帮助
GLib版本信息 — 检查GLib版本信息的变量和函数
基本类型 — GLib 标准类型, 定义的非常易用和简便
基本类型的限制 — 标准类型限制测试的可移植的方法
标准宏 — 常见宏。
类型转换宏 — 使用可移植的的方式在指针变量中存储整数
字节顺序宏 — a portable way to convert between different byte orders
数值定义 — mathematical constants, and floating point decomposition 数学常数和浮点运算分解
特殊宏(Miscellaneous Macros) — 不常使用的专用宏
Atomic Operations — basic atomic integer and pointer operations
The Main Event Loop — manages all available sources of events
Threads — thread abstraction; including threads, different mutexes, conditions and thread private data
Thread Pools — pools of threads to execute work concurrently
Asynchronous Queues — asynchronous communication between threads
动态加载的模块 — portable method for dynamically loading 'plug-ins'
Memory Allocation — general memory-handling
IO Channels — portable support for using files, pipes and sockets
Error Reporting — a system for reporting errors
Message Output and Debugging Functions — functions to output messages and help debug applications
消息记录 — versatile support for logging messages with different levels of importance
String Utility Functions — various string-related functions
Character Set Conversion — Convert strings between different character sets
Unicode操作(Unicode Manipulation) — 操作Unicode和UTF-8字符串的函数
Base64 Encoding — encodes and decodes data in Base64 format
Data Checksums — Computes the checksum for data
国际化 — gettext 支持宏
日期和时间函数 — calendrical calculations and miscellaneous time stuff
GTimeZone — A structure representing a time zone
GDateTime — A structure representing Date and Time
Random Numbers — pseudo-random number generator
Hook Functions — support for manipulating lists of hook functions
杂项实用功能 — a selection of portable utility functions
字典扫描器(Lexical Scanner) — a general purpose lexical scanner
Automatic String Completion — support for automatic completion using a group of target strings
Timers — keep track of elapsed time
Spawning Processes — process launching
File Utilities — various file-related functions
URI 函数 — URI Functions
Hostname Utilities — Internet hostname utilities
Shell-related Utilities — shell-like commandline handling
Commandline option parser — parses commandline options
Glob-style pattern matching — matches strings against patterns containing '*' (wildcard) and '?' (joker)
Perl-compatible regular expressions — matches strings against regular expressions
Simple XML Subset Parser — parses a subset of XML
Key-value file parser — parses .ini-like config files
Bookmark file parser — parses files containing bookmarks
Testing — a test framework
Windows Compatibility Functions — UNIX emulation on Windows
Memory Slices — efficient way to allocate groups of equal-sized chunks of memory
Memory Chunks — deprecated way to allocate groups of equal-sized chunks of memory
Doubly-Linked Lists — linked lists containing integer values or pointers to data, with the ability to iterate over the list in both directions
Singly-Linked Lists — linked lists containing integer values or pointers to data, limited to iterating over the list in one direction
Double-ended Queues — double-ended queue data structure
Sequences — scalable lists
Trash Stacks — maintain a stack of unused allocated memory chunks
Hash Tables — associations between keys and values so that given a key the value can be found quickly
字符串 — text buffers which grow automatically as text is added
String Chunks — efficient storage of groups of strings
Arrays — arrays of arbitrary elements which grow automatically as elements are added
Pointer Arrays — arrays of pointers to any type of data, which grow automatically as new elements are added
Byte Arrays — arrays of bytes, which grow automatically as elements are added
Balanced Binary Trees — a sorted collection of key/value pairs optimized for searching and traversing in order
N-ary Trees — trees of data with any number of branches
Quarks — a 2-way association between a string and a unique integer identifier
Keyed Data Lists — lists of data elements which are accessible by a string or GQuark identifier
Datasets — associate groups of data elements with particular memory locations
Relations and Tuples — tables of data which can be indexed on any number of fields
Caches — caches allow sharing of complex data structures to save resources
Memory Allocators — deprecated way to allocate chunks of memory for GList, GSList and GNode
GVariantType — introduction to the GVariant type system
GVariant — strongly typed value datatype
GVariant Format Strings
glib-gettextize — gettext internationalization utility
gtester — test running utility
gtester-report — test report formatting utility
Annotation Glossary